Computer Graphics Programs

High Dynamic Range Imaging


Kirt Witte, Professor of Visual Effects, Savannah College of Art and Design.

High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRi) emphasizes the integration of computer-generated objects or characters into real world video or film footage. High Dynamic Range Imaging seeks to develop and integrate photography, lighting, and rendering into various 3D and 2D software applications by utilizing digital images containing light information more accurately than traditional digital imaging means

Survey of Computer Art Applications


Charles Shami, Professor of Interactive Design and Game Development, Savannah College of Art and Design

This class is for students already well versed in the use of art and design computer applications. The basic components of digital design tools—vector, raster, modeling language and animation—are covered, culminating in the completion of a final project. Following an overview of HTML and Web page design, students create their own home pages.

Cutting Edge 3D Digital Cloth Simulation Software for Making Realistic Dynamic Clothes for 3D Models


Camille Kleinman, Marvelous Designer Expert & Trainer,

The Marvelous Designer application is a pattern-based 3D cloth simulation program designed to help artists create realistic, dynamic clothes for 3D models. It is used for games, animations, motion pictures, films and for digital doubles in films, for architecture/interior design, virtual worlds, 3D printing and even by legal teams recreating the scenes of crime, when they need dynamic cloth for the characters.

How To Debug GPU-Based Programs?


Ying Zhu (PI) and G. Scott Owen (Co-PI), Computer Science Department, Georgia State University

This web site contains three comprehensive debugging guides for GPU based programming: OpenGL, WebGL, and OpenCL. The target audience is college students taking 3D graphics programming courses, game programming courses, or heterogeneous computing courses. Novice to intermediate level 3D graphics or GPGPU programmers can benefit from learning GPU debugging techniques. Instructors can use this web site to supplement their regular course materials.


Academy Software Foundation


Wobbe F. Koning, ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee

ASWF provides a neutral forum for open source software developers in the motion picture and broader media industries to share resources and collaborate on technologies for image creation, visual effects, animation, and sound.

"The Road to Vulkan" - Teaching Vulkan in Introductory Graphics Courses


Johannes Unterguggenberger, TU Wien

In our paper "Vulkan all the way: Transitioning to a modern low-level graphics API in academia" [1], we describe how we transitioned an introductory graphics course associated with a visual computing curriculum from OpenGL to Vulkan. This entry provides the link to the framework that we have used [2], which can conveniently be set up using a GitHub starter template [3]. The attached file contains the tasks descriptions for the first steps to be taken by a student in Vulkan territory and consitutes the scope of Assignment 1 as described in our paper [1].