SIGGRAPH 2008 SpaceTime - Second Life Exhibition

For the first time the Space Time Exhibition can be visited virtually in Second Life.

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Date: Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008
Time: 5:30 PM PST

How to get there

If you are already familiar with Second Life and are currently on a computer that has Second Life installed, you can go there directly by clicking here (you may have to have the application running already)



Second Life has a location based linking system, referred to as SLURL: Second Life URL. With Second Life running in the background, Click Here to go to the SLURL page

Teleport SL

When you use this URL, you will see "NO SL DATA AVAILABLE". In order to get the data, you need to go to or launch Second Life which the page will allow you to do." Go to the second life window and you will see a small window saying “Otis College of Art and Design” with a teleport button at the bottom of the window (see image). Push the button and you will be teleported directly to the island."

How to get (into) Second Life

  1. Go to: and click the “Get Started” link.... Follow instructions they provide to create an avatar.
    You cannot go or do anything in second life without the avatar.
  2. Once you’ve completed the forms (be sure to make note of your avatar’s exact name and your password -- the system is case sensitive), you will be directed “in-world.” If there is time, please complete their training re. movement, search, teleporting, and communicating.