Education Committee Activities planned for SIGGRAPH 2010

SIGGRAPH 2010 Logo

The following activities have been planned for this years conference:


Education Committee Meeting

Saturday July 24
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

JW Marriott Hotel

A general meeting will take place in the morning with guests SIGGRAPH Pioneers Mentors Program, SIGGRAPH 2011 Conference Chair and Committee.


SpaceTime Student Exhibition Opening Award Ceremony and Educators Meet and Greet

Sunday July 25

Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

The SpaceTime Student Awards ceremony is where the students whose work was accepted in the SpaceTime Student Exhibition will be honored, both on site and in Second Life. Come meet and greet other educators attending the conference, refreshments will be served.

The SpaceTime Exhibition will run:

Sunday- Thursday, 7/25- 7/29
Time: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM

Screening of the SpaceTime Student Animations will take place at the International Theater, located in the Village.

Education Booth

Sunday- Thursday, 7/25- 7/29
Time: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM

Members of the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee will be available to chat with you and answer your education related questions.

They will also direct you to the SpaceTime Student Exhibition, and to other education related offerings.

The 2010 Education Committee Annual report and SpaceTime Student Catalog will also be available online, and you'll be able to enter or edit your academic program's record in the online Education Index.

Course, Papers, and Panels

Please check out the numerous Course, Papers, and Panels throughout the conference schedule presented by educators on the SIGGRAPH 2010 Conference web site.

Of particular interest to educators will be:

Two panels, developed in collaboration with Leonardo/ISAST, offered on Wednesday titled 20XX.EDU: Grand Challenges in Education.

more information....


Processing for Visual Artists and Designers

SUNDAY, 25 JULY | 2:00 PM - 5:15 PM | ROOM 406 AB

Level: Introductory
Processing is a free language designed for artists, designers, musicians, educators, students, and anyone else who wants to create expressive, meaningful images, animations, and interactive graphics. Unlike most programming languages, it has been designed from the ground up for creating modern visual works appropriate for print, the web, and installations. With Processing, even people who are new to computers can create rich, exciting graphics that can be used in applications as diverse as interactive demonstrations, personally expressive art, interactive educational environments, gaming, procedural art, text manipulation, and animation.


Birds of a Feather:

Photography for Macro/Micro/Nano Subjects

MONDAY, 26 JULY | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | ROOM 151

Newly developed software and robotic systems now make it possible to image macro, micro, and/or nano subjects with astounding depth of field, quality, and gigapixel resolution. Learn how these technologies are being used by researchers, educators, and the public to explore and share the resulting imagery across the globe.



MONDAY, 26 JULY | 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM | ROOM 151

Learn about gigapixel imagery and the GigaPan process, including its applications for educators and students, professional and amateur photographers, and scientists.


Studio Views of Student Demo Reels

TUESDAY, 27 JULY | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM | ROOM 402 A

Industry professionals from various computer animation and visual effects facilities explain what they (and their studios) look for when reviewing demo reels and portfolios of both students and recent graduates.
Art Durinski
durinski [at]


Methods for Collaboration in Virtual Realms

TUESDAY, 27 JULY | 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM | ROOM 151

The Communication Age has enabled dynamic exchange of information throughout the world. In education, the convergence of computers and media makes real-time exchange of ideas possible far beyond the traditional four walls of the classroom. Since the inception of the internet, resources have multiplied at unprecedented speeds, expanding information and communication opportunities to volumes beyond comprehension. Listserves, web sites, blogs, wikis, social networking, and virtual worlds are linking artists and providing opportunities to share images, concepts. and ideas from anywhere, at any time. This talk chronicles the experiences of several institutions, individuals, and educators who have embraced emerging communication technologies in the visual arts. It presents, compares, and contrasts faculty and student experiences, and explores several questions: What specifically has been done in various institutions around the globe to maximize the potential of communication technologies? How are students responding to the exchange of ideas and the expanded audiences in these virtual realms? What effect does anonymity have on peer-to-peer review of visual art?


Web3D CAD Working Group

TUESDAY, 27 JULY | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | ROOM 301 B

This meeting of the Web3D consortium's CAD working group presents the new BREP component and demonstrates X3D implementations and a COLLADA -X3D content pipeline from CAD tools.
Web3D Consortium
anita.havele [at]
Web3D Consortium


Animation Mentor Demo Reel Reviews

TUESDAY, 27 JULY | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM | ROOM 301 A

Please join the founders of Animation Mentor for a session of live demo reel reviews. Learn what professional animators look for when they look at your animation demo reel.
Animation Mentor
Molly [at]
Animation Mentor


Molecular Graphics

WEDNESDAY, 28 JULY | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | ROOM 402 A

SIGGRAPH's longest-running (since 1982) Birds of a Feather session, Molecular Graphics, welcomes researchers, educators, and students interested in applying interactive graphics to biology, chemistry, and bio-informatics.


California Educators

Wednesday, 28 July | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Undergraduate Research Alliance

THURSDAY, 29 JULY | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | ROOM 301 B

The Undergraduate Research Alliance is a group of educators and students devoted to development and support of original undergraduate research. The Alliance is sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee.
William J. Joel
joelw [at]
Undergraduate Research Alliance


ACM Student Research Competition Presentation

THURSDAY, 29 JULY | 2 - 3:30 PM | Theater 411

SIGGRAPH 2010 hosts an ACM Student Research Competition, which takes place in two stages. In the first stage, 25 student posters are selected for judging. At the conference, a panel of distinguished judges reviews these 25 posters during the poster sessions and selects five semi-finalists. The semi-final poster authors have five minutes each to present their work to the judges. The three winners present their work to SIGGRAPH 2010 attendees during the ACM SRC Final Presentation.


Effective Animation of Sign Language With Prosodic Elements

THURSDAY, 29 JULY | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | THEATER 411

The first and only animation-based sign-language program that allows educators of the deaf to annotate digital-learning content with expressive American Sign Language animation enhanced with automatically generated prosodic elements.