Sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee. Images and videos to be displayed at the Education Committee Booth at SIGGRAPH 2020 in Washington, D.C. and assignments archived on the Education Committee Website.
The double-curated exhibit is open to all faculty working at Secondary/High School through University levels.
We are interested in your project assignments and the best examples of the work done by your students for that assignment.
At this year's SIGGRAPH, Committee member Glenn Goldman (New Jersey Institute of Technology) moderated the session Preparing Students to Take the Next Step: School to Work Transition (Demo Reels and Beyond), an Educators’ Forum panel with industry representatives speaking about what students need to do in order to facilitate their entry into industry.
These images and videos were screened at the Education Committee Booth throughout the week at SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles, CA.. The curated exhibit was open to all faculty working at Secondary/High School through University levels. All submissions were required to be accompanied by the assignment, in PDF format.
The exhibit can now be viewed online.