The 39th Eurographics conference will be held on April 16-20, 2018 in Delft, The Netherlands. The conference is organized by the Eurographics Association covering the wide field of Computer Graphics. Part of the conference is a track on Computer Graphics Education.
We are seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in the EG 2018 education track. We seek to build and enhance a vibrant community of computer graphics teachers who share their knowledge and experience of bringing computer graphics to the classroom and getting others excited about the field.
The scope of the track includes topics in education related to computer graphics, such as use in education, teaching/classroom experience, "nifty assignments" and outstanding student projects. Authors are invited to submit papers, panels and student projects.
We invite submissions related to the following topics:
The best papers will be recommended to the editors of prestigious journals in the field, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers and Graphics and IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, who may invite the authors of these papers to submit extended versions to their journals. The best nifty assignments may be published in the CGEMS.
Anonymous submissions of up to 8 pages for education papers or up to 2 pages for notes on nifty assignments or outstanding student projects must be formatted according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines. Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system and subject to a review process.
Proposals for education panels should be emailed directly to the education papers co-chairs at
For any question concerning education paper submissions please contact the papers program co-chairs: chairs-eg2018edu [at]
Jiri Zara
Frits Post