Graphics And Visualization Education 1999

Charting the Future for Computer Graphics Education

July 3-5, Coimbra, Portugal

This Web site reports the results of the Graphics and Visualization Education Workshop (GVE '99), held July 3-5 in Coimbra, Portugal. This was a joint event sponsored by Eurographics and SIGGRAPH with partial support from the National Science Foundation. It assembled 44 colleagues from 12 countries to consider the future in computer graphics education. Among the workshop themes were:

  • curriculum for computer graphics in computer science and in art,
  • development of computer graphics for teaching,
  • interaction in computer graphics,
  • media issues in computer graphics,
  • collaborations between disciplines and institutions.

The reports and working papers from this workshop are presented in these pages. We welcome your comments and contributions to the ongoing work of computer graphics in education through the contacts below.

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General Contact:  Werner Hansmann, Mike McGrath, or José Teixeira
Book Project Contact:  Mike Bailey

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under award DUE 9906124.
All opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations in this work are those of the principal
investigators, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.