Archive Pages

This section contains archived materials. The material posted here is no longer being maintained.

Computer Science Educational Resources Project

We have been working on the following projects:

  1. Building a repository of syllabi for introductory computer science graphics courses, tailored to fit the needs of various students and the constraints of university resources.
  2. Identifying a set of most-commonly taught concepts in introductory courses.
  3. Maintaining a list of teaching resources for various topics commonly taught in graphics classes.
  4. Establishing a list of sources and review of graphics software that available at no cost.
  5. Encouraging the submission of papers, panels, workshops on issues of interest to computer science graphics educators.

All interested educators were invited to participate. Possibilities included:

  • a "syllabus survey" of introductory graphics courses
  • developing teaching material (images, demonstrations, interactive tools) to support selected topics in an introductory course
  • identifying and evaluating free or low-cost software for use in the classroom, laboratory or in completing homework.

Contact: Lew Hitchner (hitchner [at] csc [dot] calpoly [dot] edu)

Curriculum Resources for Computer Science Graphics Courses

All material in this section is contributed by Rosalee Wolfe (wolfe [at] siggraph [dot] org)
Chair of the Computer Science Educational Resources Project

Columns from past issues of Computer Graphics

Home pages for introductory courses using OpenGL: