Archive Pages

This section contains archived materials. The material posted here is no longer being maintained.

Instructional Materials

Archived Instructional Materials. More recent content can be found in cgSource

Educators' Slide Sets

A Collection of Educational Slide Sets.
These slides are designed to help teach certain concepts. The Education slide sets of 1991,1993, 1995, and 1997 focused on Computer Science and the Education slide set of 1992 focused on 2D aspects of Art and Design.

Computer Graphics Java Applets

by Patrick Min, Princeton University (external link)

HyperGraph - Teaching Computer Graphics

A project of the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, the Hypermedia and Visualization Laboratory, Georgia State University, and the National Science Foundation (IIS-9980130), (USE-8954402), (DUE-9255489), (DUE-9752398), (DUE9751419).

Project Director: G. Scott Owen

This resources has been archived and can still be accessed here

Note: moved to new location, July 2019.

SIGGRAPH 2001 Emerging Technology Exhibit Movies

S2001 logo

These movies were made by SIGGRAPH TV at SIGGRAPH 2001.

Volume Visualization Data Sets

The Chapel Hill Volume Rendering Test Data Set, Volume I
These were originally on an ftp site at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


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