Archive Pages

This section contains archived materials. The material posted here is no longer being maintained.

Educators' Slide Sets

A collection of educational slide sets.

These slides are designed to help teach certain concepts. The Education slide sets of 1991,1993, 1995, and 1997 focused on Computer Science and the Education slide set of 1992 focused on 2D aspects of Art and Design.

1997 Educators' Slide Set

Surface mapping techniques

including texture and bump mapping and 2D and 3D (procedural) mapping

You can also download a Zip file of this slide set, containing all slides and the documentation (1,753 KB)

1995 Educators' Slide Set

1993 Educators' Slide Set

1993 - Line and Circle Drawing

Line and Circle Drawing

1993 - Anti-aliasing


1993 - Radiosity



1992 Educators' Slide Set

The Process of Creating 2D Images

SIGGRAPH 92 Educator's Slide Set on 2D Art

1991 Educators' Slide Set

1991 - Ray Tracing

Ray Tracing

Copyright 1984
University of Waterloo
Michael Sweeney

1991 - Projections

3D Projection

Copyright 1991
University of Regina
Norma Fuller

1991 - 3D Projections

The Shutterbug Rendering Progression

Copyright 1991