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SPACE was in its 7th year as a SIGGRAPH Education Committee event. The interest in this exhibit and competition has continued to grow from year to year as has the quality of the entries. The competition provides an excellent opportunity for students working with computers to exhibit their creative work. It is open to all students currently attending elementary or secondary schools, colleges or universities. We encourage teachers to have their students make posters and animations using computers, select th e best works produced in their classes, and enter them in SPACE.
MK Haley - L.A. County High School for the Arts
Jackie White - L.A. County High School for the Arts
Patric Prince - Independent Curator
Michael Wright - Artist
Coco Conn - Homer & Associates
click on an image for a larger version
First PlaceBenita Brewer |
Second PlaceBeret Morrow |
Third PlaceSteve McIntyre |
Honorable MentionLawrence Sahulka |
Honorable MentionRoby Davis |
David Allen |
David Asmus |
Tonya Busch |
Erik Day |
Patti Drake |
Terry Ellis |
Patric Grimaldi |
Patrick Lavelle |
Waylon Lloyd |
Frank Messina |
Rachel Parr |
Sally Postal |
Wrene Robyn |
Steve Ross |
Dana Shears |
Scott Stephans |
Alex Vildyaev |
Sandra Walker |
Pin Yi Wu |