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Curator: MK Haley - Walt Disney Imagineering Research and Development
Jury: Jamie Tracht - Otis College of Art and Design
Sany Ly - Otis College of Art and Design
Tatiana Redin - Walt Disney Imagineering Graphic Design
click on any image to see a larger size
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Daniel Ash |
Heidi Brandt |
Melissa Buchmeier |
Janice Chow |
Susan Collins |
Raya Danilov |
Michael Eaton |
David Foppe |
Deborah Grosenick |
Rebecca Hedtke |
Scott Hield |
Kathy Johnson |
Yoshihiro Kamata |
Melanie A. Kramer |
Tara Lindsey |
Jason Lytle |
Angie Mahin |
Nick Moscandrew |
Karen Mountain |
Aaron Porvaznik |
Jooyun Pyune |
Sanya Rubin |
Spencer Sass |
Seung-Hye Shin |
Mandy Sturdivant |
Devie Sumyati |
James Vande Castle |
Greg Welker |
David Zukerman |