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Space-Time Student Competition 2001

The Poster portion of the SIGGRAPH Student Poster and Animation
Competition and Exhibition for 2001 is an impressive display of technical
expertise and design prowess. This SIGGRAPH Education Committee sponsored
show reflects a nice broad range of styles and creativity, and combined, make
up a show each student accepted can be proud of. The quality of all the work
submitted this year was outstanding, and the depth of the work makes for a
great show. After it's premiere at the annual SIGGRAPH Conference, in Los
Angeles this summer, the show will spend over a year traveling around the

Curator: Diana Stewart - Purdue University

Jury: Richard Kopp - Purdue University, New Albany
John Finnegan - Purdue University, Southbend
Matt Case - Sony Computer Entertainment America
Adam Siurek - Indiana University, Purdue, Indianapolis
Tony Longson - California State University, Los Angeles
Glenn Murphy, Jr. - ProMedia Group
Clark Cory - Purdue University, West Lafayette

click on an image to see a larger size

John Stone

Best Of Show

John Stone
Johnson County Community College

Tara Bowman

Honorable Mention

Tara Bowman
Johnson County Community College

Brian Bussone

Honorable Mention

Brian Bussone
Johnson County Community College

Benjamin Davis

Honorable Mention

Benjamin Davis
Schoolcraft College

Irena R. DeLuca

Honorable Mention

Irena R. DeLuca
Schoolcraft College

Adrian Guerrero

Honorable Mention

Adrian Guerrero
University of Texas, Pan American

Travis Klopf

Honorable Mention

Travis Klopf
University of Northern Colorado

John R. Lomas

Honorable Mention

John R. Lomas
Johnson County Community College

Jim McCullough

Honorable Mention

Jim McCullough
Johnson County Community College

Brenda Manthe

Honorable Mention

Brenda Manthe
University of Wisconsin, Stout

Katherine Michnick

Honorable Mention

Katherine Michnick
Johnson County Community College

Christina Modlin

Honorable Mention

Christina Modlin
Johnson County Community College

April Mueller

Honorable Mention

April Mueller
University of Wisconsin, Stout

Damaso Navarro II

Honorable Mention

Damaso Navarro II
University of Texas, Pan American

Tronje Pannhausen

Honorable Mention

Tronje Pannhausen
University of Wisconsin, Stout

Fabio Rodriguez

Honorable Mention

Fabio Rodriguez
Johnson County Community College

Eric Schadrie

Honorable Mention

Eric Schadrie
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Nathan Shields

Honorable Mention

Nathan Shields
Willamette University

LiLiana Sierra

Honorable Mention

LiLiana Sierra
University of Texas, Pan American

Chris Sloan

Honorable Mention

Chris Sloan
Homewood-Flossmoor High School

Daniel Spottswood

Honorable Mention

Daniel Spottswood
Johnson County Community College

Curtis Swihart

Honorable Mention

Curtis Swihart
Indiana University, Purdue

Tzu-Wen To

Honorable Mention

Tzu-Wen To
Pratt Institute

Kim Tween

Honorable Mention

Kim Tween
Schoolcraft College

Koren Upton

Honorable Mention

Koren Upton
Johnson County Community College