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Space-Time Student Competition 2002

The Poster portion of the SIGGRAPH Student Poster and Animation Competition
and Exhibition for 2002 is an impressive display of technical expertise and
design prowess. This SIGGRAPH Education Committee sponsored show reflects a
nice broad range of styles and creativity, and combined, make up a show each
student accepted can be proud of. The quality of all the work submitted this
year was outstanding, and the depth of the work makes for a great show. After
it's premiere at the annual SIGGRAPH Conference, in San Antonio this summer,
the show will spend over a year traveling around the nation.

Curator: Diana Stewart - Purdue University

Jury: Caroline Greulich - Promoter Inc Marketing Communications
Carlos Morales - Purdue University, West Lafayette
Jason Caudill - Cincinnati State College
Richard Kopp - Purdue University, New Albany
John Finnegan - Purdue University, Southbend
Ana-Victoria Aenlle - California State University, Fullerton
Justine Walden - Washington Art Institute

click on an image to see a larger size

Cory Neville

Best of Show

Cory Neville
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Phillip Audsley

Honorable Mention

Phillip Audsley
Johnson County Community College

Wesley Bellanca

Honorable Mention

Wesley Bellanca
University of California, San Diego

Paul B. Castillo

Honorable Mention

Paul B. Castillo
San Antonio College

Amber Cournoyer

Honorable Mention

Amber Cournoyer
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Darin Eisenhut

Honorable Mention

Darin Eisenhut
Fullerton College

Jeff Fejfar

Honorable Mention

Jeff Fejfar
South Dakota State University

Anthony Garza

Honorable Mention

Anthony Garza
University of Northern Colorado

Brian Halley

Honorable Mention

Brian Halley
Utah State University

Jodi Haufschild

Honorable Mention

Jodi Haufschild
South Dakota State University

Tana Hepner

Honorable Mention

Tana Hepner
South Dakota State University

Noah Hummel

Honorable Mention

Noah Hummel
South Dakota State University

Jeffrey Kowolski

Honorable Mention

Jeffrey Kowolski
Homewood-Flossmoor High School

Carrie Lambert

Honorable Mention

Carrie Lambert
Johnson County Community College

Nelson Law

Honorable Mention

Nelson Law
Johnson County Community College

Diane Leichner

Honorable Mention

Diane Leichner
Clark College

Jose Luna

Honorable Mention

Jose Luna
Westwood College

Tina Messinger

Honorable Mention

Tina Messinger
Texas A & M University

Melissa McGurk

Honorable Mention

Melissa McGurk
Homewood-Flossmoor High School

David Moore

Honorable Mention

David Moore
Johnson County Community College

Vy Nguyen

Honorable Mention

Vy Nguyen
University of Northern Colorado

Patricia O'Brien

Honorable Mention

Patricia O'Brien
Schoolcraft College

David O'Preska

Honorable Mention

David O'Preska
San Antonio College

Nathan Philpot

Honorable Mention

Nathan Philpot
Utah State University

Michelle Rader-Hannon

Honorable Mention

Michelle Rader-Hannon
Johnson County Community College

Alberto Ramirez

Honorable Mention

Alberto Ramirez
University of Texas, Pan American

Christie Tant

Honorable Mention

Christie Tant
Johnson County Community College

David Wadley

Honorable Mention

David Wadley
Utah State University

Andy Walker

Honorable Mention

Andy Walker
Johnson County Community College

Jerod Wilson

Honorable Mention

Jerod Wilson
University of Northern Colorado

Yu Ying Xu

Honorable Mention

Yu Ying Xu
Schoolcraft College