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The 2005 SPACE-TIME print competition had over 200 posters.
Catherine Begle/Schoolcraft College, Scott Dunham/Blue Water, Donna Gniewek/Schoolcraft College, Professor Susan Hunt/University of Wisconsin Stout, Celia McCulloch/Macomb Community College, Jacki Morie/USC, Douglas Mumm/Graphics Promotions Inc., Jacob Pollak/The Detroit Creative Group and Marla Schweppe/RIT
If there are any questions please email Michael Mehall, 2006 poster chair.
Click on an image for a larger version
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
First Place - High School
Honorable Mention
Evanita Arifin |
Honorable Mention
Lorna Samara Ash |
Honorable Mention
Jesse Bray |
Honorable Mention
Lucas Buick |
Honorable Mention
Carrie Cook |
Honorable Mention
Darin Dahlmeier |
Honorable Mention
Nikole Andrea David |
Honorable Mention
Ryan Dorshorst |
Honorable Mention
Jamie Dunn |
Honorable Mention
Justin Goodreau |
Honorable Mention
Katie Hammond |
Honorable Mention
Landis Heitz |
Honorable Mention
Daria Hrabrov |
Honorable Mention
Sheree Ibrahim |
Honorable Mention
Jessica Kopecky |
Honorable Mention
Diana Lee |
Honorable Mention
Andy Lelo |
Honorable Mention
Jason Martin |
Honorable Mention
Justin Thomas |
Honorable Mention
Michael Vargo |
Honorable Mention
Peter White |