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The Poster/Print portion of the SIGGRAPH Student SPACE-TIME Competition for 2006 is a display of excellent design and technical proficiency. Submissions re flected a broad range of interpretations of this year’s theme. After premiering at the annual SIGGRAPH conference in Boston this summer, the show is available for viewing around the world.
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First PlaceChase Cooper |
Second PlaceMary-Yen Hoang Nguyen |
High School WinnerAbby Cunanan |
Honerable MentionCharles Cochran |
Honerable MentionSam Dailey |
Honerable MentionLeslee Garman |
Honerable MentionWill Jackson |
Honerable MentionMia Kelly |
Honerable MentionJulia Kim |
Honerable MentionZachary Klauck |
Honerable MentionKristin Madson |
Honerable MentionJennifer Nelson |
Honerable MentionSamantha Olson |
Honerable MentionMatthew Revis |
Honerable MentionBalentin Rodriguez |
Honerable Mention Craig Simpson
Honerable MentionTatiana Vahan |
Honerable MentionDenad Wade |
Honerable MentionLindsey Wollan |