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SpaceTime 2009

Winners and Honorable Mentions of the 2009 SpaceTime Student Competition & Exhibition



  • 1st prize
    Title: Network Your Senses
    Student: Christianson, Ryanna
    Instructor: John Smith
    School: University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
  • 1st prize
    Title: Sensing the World
    Student: Lee, Po-han
    Instructor: WEI-CNUNG, CHANG
    School: National Taiwan University of Arts
  • 2nd prize
    Title: Robot vs. Nature
    Student: Takacs, Simone
    Instructor: Jing Zhou
    School: Monmouth University

Digital Print

  • 1st prize Title: Schism
    Student: Melissa Griffith
    Instructor: Dena Eber
    School: Bowling Green State University
  • 2nd prize
    Title: Workforce Monotony 3
    Student: Koelsch, Christopher
    Instructor: Dena Eber and Shaurya Kumar
    School: Bowling Green State University
  • 2nd prize
    Title: Students Walking to Classes
    Student: Seder Burns
    Instructor: Shaurya Kumar
    School: Bowling Green State University

Primary/Secondary Education (K-12)

  • 1st prize Title: The Circuit
    Student: Sierzega, Marcela
    Instructor: Miyoung Min
    School: Bergen County Academies
  • 2nd prize
    Title: Nature's Formula
    Student: Gupta, Aditi
    Instructor: Melissa Nagan
    School: The Blake School
  • 3rd prize
    Title: Network Your Senses
    Student: Wu, Vivian - NA
    Instructor: Kyle Clark
    School: Plano Senior High School


Animation - Industry

  • 1st Place Title: Without Arms
    Student: Alek S. Vacura
    Instructor: Claudia Tait
    School: Pratt Institute
  • 2nd Place
  • Title: Employee of the Month
    Student: Taylor A. Cook
    Instructor: Rob O'Neill
    School: Pratt Institute
  • 3rd Place
    Title: Fart In Elevator
    Student: Wei Xiu Wang, Min-Chieh Chang,
    Instructor: Wei-Chung Chang
    School: National Taiwan University of Arts

Animation - Conceptual

  • 1st Place
    Title: The Door
    Student: Jun Wang, Weidan Lai, Yungen Lu, Qiming Zhu
    Instructor: LiQin Tan
    School: Peking University
  • 2nd Place
    Title: Two
    Student: Jin Zhi
    Instructor: BaekMyoung Jin
    School: Seoul National University
  • 3rd Place
    Title: Play Again
    Student: Yuan-Chun Lee
    Instructor: BaekMyoung Jin, Jia­-ming Day
    School: Shih Chien University



  • First Place Winner
    Title: Type Space
    Student: Robert Fraher
    Instructor: Dr. Brad Hokanson
    School: University of Minnesota
  • Second Place Winner
    Title: Illinois Route 66 Road Trip
    Student: Peter Infelise
    Instructor: Lourdes Livingston
    School: Academy of Art University
  • Third Place Winner
    Title: Nature Remix
    Student: Chun-Ju Hung
    Instructor: Lourdes Livingston
    School: Academy of Art University


  • First Place Winner
    Title: IkeOto
    Student: Kazuhiko Yamamoto
    Instructor: Tokihiko Kaburagi
    School: Kyushu University
  • Second Place Winner
    Title: Color Plant
    Student: Wei-Chieh Tseng
    Instructor: Andrew Hieronymi
    School: Savannah College of Art and Design
  • Third Place Winner
    Title: Mad Evolution
    Student: Joshua Chao
    Instructor: Shieh, Ta-Lih. Chang, Tien-Chieh (Jack)
    School: Shih-Chien University