
This section contains archived materials. The material posted here is no longer being maintained.

Survey of Games & Interactive Media Education

In 2007, The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee conducted a survey determining the needs of educators who have developed, or are in the process of developing, a video game component for their schools. Your input helped us in determining future content and exploration of this exciting form of media.

The survey is still available on SurveyMonkey:  Survey of Games & Interactive Media Education


This group was concerned with the place of Computer Graphics in the Arts Curriculum.

Computer Graphics Java Applets

by Patrick Min, Princeton University (external link)

Computer Science Educational Resources Project

Projects we have been working on relating to Computer Science Graphics courses and Curriculum Resources for Computer Science Graphics Courses

HyperGraph - Teaching Computer Graphics

A project of the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, the Hypermedia and Visualization Laboratory, Georgia State University, and the National Science Foundation (IIS-9980130), (USE-8954402), (DUE-9255489), (DUE-9752398), (DUE9751419).

Project Director: G. Scott Owen

This resources has been archived and can still be accessed here

Note: moved to new location, July 2019.


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