Call for Participation

Here you can find all the calls for participation posted on our website, both our own and those from other organizations.


SpaceTime 2025: Call for Submissions

SpaceTime Logo

The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee sponsors the SpaceTime juried international student art/design competition and online exhibition for 2025. Students are asked to create a graphic poster for SIGGRAPH 2025, which is scheduled to take place in August in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The poster must refer directly to SIGGRAPH and include the word “SIGGRAPH” and/or the SIGGRAPH logo as part of the design.

Winter 2025 SOIREE - Call for Participation

Winter SOIREE 2025

The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee is seeking submissions for the Symposium On Innovation, Research & Experiences in Education (SOIREE), to be held virtually through Zoom on January 31, 2025.

Spanish Translation of FSSW Call for Participation

ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee FSSW Exhibit logo

Convocatoria de participación: 13ª Exposición anual de trabajos de estudiantes presentados por profesores

Patrocinada por el Comité de Educación de ACM SIGGRAPH.

Es un placer informarles nuestro interés en sus proyectos y en los mejores trabajos realizado por sus estudiantes.

Las imágenes, vídeos y trabajos se expondrán en el stand del Comité de Educación durante la conferencia SIGGRAPH 2024 en Denver. Tenga en cuenta que los trabajos se archivarán en el sitio web de educación después de la conferencia.

Japanese Translation of FSSW Call for Participation

ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee FSSW Exhibit logo

第13回ACM SIGGRAPH教育委員会FSSW(Faculty Submitted Student Works 授業課題と学生作品の募集)


FSSWはACM SIGGRAPH教育委員会により教員の皆様のために始められました。


Korean Translation of FSSW Call for Participation

ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee FSSW Exhibit logo

13회 선생님이 제출하는 학생 작품 전시회


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