Build your own VR system: an introduction to VR displays and cameras for hobbyists and educators


Gordon Wetzstein, Robert K Konrad, Nitish Padmanaban, and Hayato Ikoma, Stanford University

This comprehensive introduction to VR/AR technology teaches how to build a head-mounted display from scratch. Topics include the graphics pipeline, stereo rendering, lens distortion, head orientation tracking with inertial measurement units, positional tracking, spatial sound, and cinematic VR content creation.

This SIGGRAPH 2017 Course is available in several formats

Full citation

Gordon Wetzstein, Robert Konrad, Nitish Padmanaban, and Hayato Ikoma. 2017. Build your own VR system: an introduction to VR displays and cameras for hobbyists and educators. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Courses (SIGGRAPH ’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 1–786. DOI:

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