About Curated Lists

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The resources listed in the curated lists provide information of value to educators who are exploring a topic, or have to teach a class in a subject, that is on the edge or even outside their expertise. Each list is compiled by an educator who is an expert in the field, and is responsible for its contents.
The contents of the lists are resource driven, meaning that available resources are collected and those form the basis for the selection. We are not trying to provide comprehensive lists or be in any way exhaustive in covering a topic.
Links from the curated lists to external resources are not endorsements of the site, company, or person, posting the resource. These links are provided as a service to educators, to help them discover useful resources.

Contribute to the Curated Lists

We welcome suggestions for additional resources to list. You can submit a resource using this google form.

Available Curated Lists

Curated lists are a separate category in cgSource, and can be accessed here.