3D Animation

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Blender Notes


Mike Bailey, Oregon State University

These are notes for a 1-week high school "Blender Camp"

Available on-line at http://cs.oregonstate.edu/~mjb/blender

A Whirlwind Introduction to Computer Graphics (2023)


Mike Bailey, Oregon State University

These are the notes from the introductory course at SIGGRAPH 2023

Abvailable on-line at http://cs.oregonstate.edu/~mjb/whirlwind

Rigging for 3D Computer Animation


Johannes DeYoung, Carnegie Mellon University

The technical art of rigging for animation entails construction of puppetry armature to enable expressive movement and character performance.  Fundamental rigging concepts are transferable between methods of animation, whether 3D computer animation, 2D animation, stop-motion or cut-out animation.  The rigging system creates an articulable skeletal structure, enabling poseable controls to achieve effective movement and performance requirements for animation.  This list highlights a few available resources for rigging in 3D computer animation.

Physical Simulation Programming


Seth Holladay, Brigham Young University

This list is built to help those wanting to learn methods for programming simulation algorithms, leading into jobs or research areas making physical simulation tools.


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