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This section contains a wealth of materials of value to Computer Graphics educators and professionals. Unlike CGEMS, some materials in this section are not peer reviewed.

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Latest Additions to cgSource

VR Quick Start Guide


Wobbe F. Koning, Monmouth University

As faculty member teaching computer graphics and interactive techniques you may desire, or it may be required of you, to incorporate Virtual Reality (VR) into your curriculum. This page is intended to provide some pointers to get started. It is not comprehensive, a more complete curated list of VR resources is currently in preparation

Creating a Modern Classic Visual Effect


Ken Cameron, University of Bath

To support filmmakers, effects teams must understand both how visual effects have been created in the past and how to develop software to deliver them in the modern context. This assignment asks students to work in small groups to replicate a classic visual effect that was originally created in camera.

the VR ride: a cross disciplinary assignment in computer graphics and interactivity


Nick Jushchyshyn, Robert Lloyd, and Erik Sundquist, Drexel University.

The “VR Ride” assignment challenges students to create an interactive VR computer graphics experience integrated with a themed ride. The ride apparatus must fully support the users weight, utilize the user’s body motions as a primary input for computer interactivity, and provide haptic feedback relevant to the VR experience.

Image ditching: manipulating images with audio effects


Erik Brunvand, School of Computing, University of Utah

Image glitching and data-bending are used to introduce image formats, data manipulation, and data visualization to beginning CS students and non-major students taking computing courses with no coding required.

Academy Software Foundation


Wobbe F. Koning, ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee

ASWF provides a neutral forum for open source software developers in the motion picture and broader media industries to share resources and collaborate on technologies for image creation, visual effects, animation, and sound.

How To Debug GPU-Based Programs?


Ying Zhu (PI) and G. Scott Owen (Co-PI), Computer Science Department, Georgia State University

This web site contains three comprehensive debugging guides for GPU based programming: OpenGL, WebGL, and OpenCL. The target audience is college students taking 3D graphics programming courses, game programming courses, or heterogeneous computing courses. Novice to intermediate level 3D graphics or GPGPU programmers can benefit from learning GPU debugging techniques. Instructors can use this web site to supplement their regular course materials.

