Global Outreach

One of the major objectives of the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee is to help establish a worldwide network of computer graphics educators.

Our international ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee members have active roles in the planning and organization of education-related Computer Graphics events in several countries, which offers an excellent opportunity for us to exchange information and promote our ACM SIGGRAPH educational activities worldwide.



South America

Zhigeng Pan and
Weihua Gao (China)
Asian Representatives

Gitta Domik (Germany)
European Representative

Rejane Spitz (Brazil)
South American Representative


Rejane Spitz (Brazil), Global Outreach Coordinator.
rejane [at] puc-rio [dot] br

Call for Eurographics 2018 EDUCATION Papers

The 39th Eurographics conference will be held on April 16-20, 2018 in Delft, The Netherlands. The conference is organized by the Eurographics Association covering the wide field of Computer Graphics. Part of the conference is a track on Computer Graphics Education.
Submission deadline for education papers is 23:59 UTC/GMT, Friday, January 12, 2018.

Call for Eurographics 2016 Education Papers

EG 2016 logo

Eurographics is seeking original contributions for presentation and publication in the EG 2016 education track. The scope of the track includes topics in education in computer graphics, computer graphics in education, effective teaching tips and techniques focusing on computer graphics course content, and outstanding student projects in computer graphics. Authors are invited to submit papers, panels and student projects.

International Activities Report (2012-2013)

In this report we present several international educational activities, events and conferences in Computer Graphics and related areas in which our Committee members and International Representatives have been and/or are actively involved in 2012-2013, aiming at showing the scope and diversity of our international network.

International Activities Report (2011-2012)

In this report we present several international educational activities, events and conferences in Computer Graphics and related areas in which our Committee members and International Representatives have been and/or are actively involved in 2011-2012, aiming at showing the scope and diversity of our international network.

Academia Digital (Digital Academia)

Seminar held at Casa da Ciência, at Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University, on 25 May 2012.
Organized by the Programa Avançado de Cultura Contemporânea (Advanced Program on Contemporary Culture).


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