Call for Participation: 14th Annual Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibition

Sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee.

We are interested in your project assignments and the best examples of the work done by your students for that assignment.

Images, videos, and assignments to be displayed at the Education Committee booth during the SIGGRAPH 2025 conference in Vancouver. The materials will be archived on the education website after the conference.

Any content area related to computer graphics and interactive techniques; art, animation, graphic design, game design, architecture, visualization, real-time rendering, etc.

The double-curated exhibit is open to all faculty working at Secondary/High School through University levels.

This is a wonderful opportunity for your students and school to get more exposure and to celebrate all the great work that gets created!!

Deadline Friday, June 6th, 2025


Submissions will be curated into a conference exhibition video of approximately 60 minutes to emphasize the variety of student work and faculty/schools represented. The exhibit will be a taste of the content available on the website as all of the projects that were properly submitted will be posted on the Education Committee website along with the corresponding project assignments to share with fellow faculty.


  • By Faculty - No individual student submissions accepted
  • Student work should have been completed within the prior two years and not been submitted previously
  • Content submitted should not infringe on any third party's copyright(s) or other proprietary right(s) whatsoever and each faculty member needs to complete one ACM Release Form (linked from the submission form)
  • For schools located in the US, student signed FERPA release forms must be submitted for each student to have their name included in the labels of the work. Without a FERPA release the work can be shown but the students name can not be included in the label and no links to credited versions will be included in the archive
  • Assignment(s) of submitted student work MUST accompany all video(s) and image(s) submitted. PDF format preferred. Student work will NOT be accepted without corresponding assignments.
  • All submissions should use the provided PowerPoint Template and can be downloaded here:
  • Still Images
    • Images should be placed in the PowerPoint template
    • Labels must be filled in
    • Preferred resolution 1280x720 (RGB, JPG/TIFF/PNG format)
    • A LIMIT of 10 images per assignment/project will be used in the exhibit
  • Video
    • Please upload all videos to either or preferably allowing them to be downloadable
    • URLs should be placed in the PowerPoint template
    • Please DO NOT embed actual videos
    • Screen captures or a representative still image of the video should be included in the powerpoint
    • Labels must be filled in
    • Preferred resolution 1280x720 or larger 16:9 aspect ratio format.
    • Audio can be included (*make sure it does not violate 3rd party copyrights)
    • A LIMIT of 2 minutes of video per assignment/project will be used in the exhibit
      • You can edit multiple student pieces into a reel for that assignment having a maximum length of 2 minutes and provide a slide for each student work and include a link to either each piece in its entirety or for the reel or both. If a reel is not created the curator may make selections of one or more pieces not to exceed 2 minutes per assignment
    • Videos will be downloaded and embedded in the final PowerPoint and screened at the conference throughout the week. After the conference, the still image and URL provided will replace the videos in a downloadable PDF version of the PowerPoint located on our site.
  • Labels for all images and videos include:
    • Assignment/Project name
    • Student name(s) only if signed FERPA release is included
    • Faculty name(s)
    • Course name(s)
    • School name(s)


  • Submit each assignment separately through the following google form


Link to Japanese form example - 応募フォーム記入例

SIGGRAPH Education Committee retains the right to archive the project assignments on our website for fair use by other faculty.

Materials will be licensed under the Creative Common Attribution - NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0.

For additional information/clarification please email:

Richard Lewis - richardlewis4[at]

Deadline Friday, June 6th, 2025