SIGGRAPH96 Educators Program Report

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by Rosalee Wolfe

The Conference Educators Program (CEP) continues to grow and thrive in the second year of its reincarnation. We received twice the number of submissions this year and as a result we have an exciting program covering disciplines ranging from design and architecture to mathematics and biology which are organized into parallel K-12 university tracks. For a copy of the program, see

Thanks to Marc Barr, Scott Grissom, Judy Sachter and Laura London for assembling a high-quality program.

Attendees of the CEP will receive a copy of the Educators CD ROM and the Education Issue of Computer Graphics. It's been a pleasure working with various members of the Education Committee and the Publications Committee to make these materials available to attendees. Judy Brown, Steven Spencer and Molly Morgan helped arrange for the distribution of Computer Graphics. Stephan Keith did an outstanding job as Production Editor of the Educators CD ROM.

SIGGRAPH96 and the Education Committee have been engaged in outreach work into the K-12 community. On April 19, Leona Caffey, Hank Driscoll and Rosalee Wolfe made presentations in New Orleans high schools. The conference and the Education Committee cooperated on a mailing effort targeted at K-12 teachers living within a day's drive of New Orleans. Thanks to the Education Committee's K-12 Subcommittee for help with this effort. A final count of registrations will give us an indication of the effectiveness of our outreach efforts.

Future Work

The S97 Educators Program will witness a reorganization of content presentation. Tracking talks according to student age (K-12 vs university) is too restrictive because there are many issues that affect students of all ages.

The outreach work will continue and strengthen. The in-school presentations should occur before the due date for the Call for Student Volunteers. Developing a mailing list of K-12 educators will be a priority. S97 CEP hopes to work with the Education Committee to support Adele Newton's excellent outreach efforts.

S97 CEP hopes to work even more closely with the Education Committee in developing next year's program. Members of the Education Committee are warmly encouraged to volunteer to be content reviewers. A content reviewer reads and rates papers on their suitability for presentation at the conference. In early January, reviewers receive between one and five papers and return reviews within two weeks. If you are interested and have the time to participate, please fill out the attached form and return it via email or physical mail to

Rosalee Wolfe
Chair, S97 Educators Program
School of Computer Science AC 401
DePaul University
243 S. Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL 60604
wolfe [at]

Submitted 3 July 1996 by Rosalee Wolfe