Conferences and Workshop

Other Education-related Conferences and Workshops

SIGGRAPH Trailer Contest

S15 Logo

The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee is proud to announce an exciting new initiative for 2015 called the “SIGGRAPH Trailer Contest”. Students are invited to create a 10 to 60 second trailer promoting the 2015 SIGGRAPH conference in Los Angeles.

Visualization Curriculum Workshop

On May 19, 2012, a „Visualization Curriculum Workshop“ was held at the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, sponsored by the SIGGRAPH Education Committee. It was a follow-up on the Visualization Curriculum Panel at Eurographics 2012. Participants were David Ebert, Beatriz Sousa Santos, Holly Rushmeier and Gitta Domik.


The Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics

November 21st - 23rd of 2006 in Santiago, Chile, hosted by Universidad de Chile.

SIGRADI 2006 website (currently broken - 8/28/12)

Please note that the site has Spanish, Portuguese and English language versions

Visualization Education for Non-Technical Majors

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - IEEE Visualization 2006 Conference

Sunday October 29, 2006, 1:30-5:15 pm
At the IEEE Visualization 2006 Conference, Hyatt Regency Baltimore


Holly Rushmeier, Yale University

To submit statements of interest send email to holly at by Sept. 22, 2006

2002 Botswana Workshop on Teaching Computer Graphics


Presented with the collaboration of ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, and AFRIGRAPH, the 2002 Botswana Workshop on Teaching Computer Graphics was held at the University of Botswana from June 24-28.


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