A Whirlwind Introduction to Computer Graphics (2020)


Mike Bailey, Oregon State University.

Presented at SIGGRAPH 2020. Conference description: For a beginner, attending SIGGRAPH is a very intimidating experience. This Course is for beginners! The Course’s purpose is to give a base background in the concepts and terminology needed to get more out of the different opportunities during the conference.

Call for Eurographics 2021 EDUCATION Papers

EG 2021 Logo

The 42nd Eurographics conference will be held on May 3 – 7, 2021, in Vienna, Austria. The conference is organized by the Eurographics Association covering the wide field of Computer Graphics. Part of the conference is a track on Computer Graphics Education.
Submission deadline for education papers is 23:59 UTC/GMT. Sunday, January 24, 2021.

9th Annual Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit

FSSW Thumbnail Image

The Faculty Submitted Student Work, or FSSW, is an online archive of assignment and project briefs as well as an exhibition of the student work created for those projects. Sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee and designed as a way for educators to share their project ideas across schools and disciplines, this annual exhibition of work during the SIGGRAPH conference also offers a venue for participants to see the student work.

Postcards from the Immersive Edge and Bloopers from the Virtual Classroom

Students working with VR

SIGGRAPH 2020 BOF meeting. We would like to invite educators to share students' XR, VR and AR projects at the session.

SpaceTime Gallery 2020

Winning Poster
First Place: Bailee Campbell
University of Northern Colorado, U.S.A
Instructor: Anna Ursyn

The International 2020 SpaceTime competition for students was announced matching the conference theme: “Think Beyond

The accepted works can be viewed here.


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