School to Work Transition Presentation

At this year's SIGGRAPH, Committee member Glenn Goldman (New Jersey Institute of Technology) moderated the session Preparing Students to Take the Next Step: School to Work Transition (Demo Reels and Beyond), an Educators’ Forum panel with industry representatives speaking about what students need to do in order to facilitate their entry into industry.

8th Annual Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit

Student Work Image

These images and videos were screened at the Education Committee Booth throughout the week at SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles, CA.. The curated exhibit was open to all faculty working at Secondary/High School through University levels. All submissions were required to be accompanied by the assignment, in PDF format.
The exhibit can now be viewed online.

Sessions of Interest for Educators

S2019: Thrive

There are many sessions of Interest at the SIGGRAPH conference. Here is a list.

SpaceTime Gallery 2019

First Place Winning Poster

The International 2019 SpaceTime competition for students was announced matching the conference theme: "Thrive"
The accepted works will be presented at the Education Booth during the SIGGRAPH 2019 conference, and can also be viewed here.

Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit 2019: Accepted Schools

FSSW 2019 Laurel

Congratulations to the following schools whose student’s work will be showcased in the 8th Annual Faculty Submitted Student Work Exhibit for SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles. The work will be screened throughout the conference July 28th - August 1st at the Education Committee booth located in The Village. The work will be seen by countless people at the most prestigious conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques in the world!


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