I'm interested in organic relationships between nature, memory and emotions to their digital counterparts, in a more a less abstract manifestation.
Computers fascinated me from my early years for giving me complete freedom to work procedurally, going back and forth allowing infinite complex collages. My ultimate accomplishment is _grau, a very emotional piece, creating believable patterns and motions in a non-realistic 3d environment.
I'm always a little disappointed, that the time of unique, surprising software for the masses seems to be over. Commercial software is driven by capitalistic greed, only including new functionality, when it's absolutely necessary. I was told, that developers trying to push a new idea in a big company get no reward after a positive, fresh feature, so they stick to the usual. I hope this changes again, there is so much to make the bridge between brain and screen an comfortable one.
I'm dreaming of a completely procedural system, that allows me using modules from 2D, 3D, math, databases, scientific viz, ? well everything. For now, this is a really bumpy road, dealing with software bugs, importers and kind programmers spending their free time on my projects.
It's still too cluttered, sacrificing a lot of possibilities for speed ? which also creates new kinds of expression as a result, but free forming all kinds of data is my ultimate dream, that would allow to step beyond the media first time, just presenting the thoughts themselves.
I found the introduction of tablets a huge step into creating artwork in a more natural way, also the growing number of input and output devices is really amazing, making creation and presentation more satisfying. The new graphic boards are also a good thing, but sadly most of the time only for gamers, leaving all artist tools in the dust.
There are too many people, who have had fantastic idea for software, hardware, artworks or new ways combining everything together. I just hope that the greed resulting in software patents and DRM won't stop us from finally establishing a unique and respected art form.