
International Activities Report (2012-2013)

In this report we present several international educational activities, events and conferences in Computer Graphics and related areas in which our Committee members and International Representatives have been and/or are actively involved in 2012-2013, aiming at showing the scope and diversity of our international network.

International Activities Report (2011-2012)

In this report we present several international educational activities, events and conferences in Computer Graphics and related areas in which our Committee members and International Representatives have been and/or are actively involved in 2011-2012, aiming at showing the scope and diversity of our international network.

Academia Digital (Digital Academia)

Seminar held at Casa da Ciência, at Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University, on 25 May 2012.
Organized by the Programa Avançado de Cultura Contemporânea (Advanced Program on Contemporary Culture).

Visualization Curriculum Workshop

On May 19, 2012, a „Visualization Curriculum Workshop“ was held at the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, sponsored by the SIGGRAPH Education Committee. It was a follow-up on the Visualization Curriculum Panel at Eurographics 2012. Participants were David Ebert, Beatriz Sousa Santos, Holly Rushmeier and Gitta Domik.

Undergraduate Research Alliance

Undergraduate Research Alliance Logo

al·li·ance, n., A connection based on common interest

The Undergraduate Research Alliance represents a vehicle for the establishment and support of undergraduate research and inter-institutional undergraduate project teams. By joining the Alliance, faculty can provide their students with the opportunity to work with other undergraduates worldwide. Students can work with undergraduates from other institutions without the need to travel.


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