
Undergraduate Research Alliance

Undergraduate Research Alliance Logo

al·li·ance, n., A connection based on common interest

The Undergraduate Research Alliance represents a vehicle for the establishment and support of undergraduate research and inter-institutional undergraduate project teams. By joining the Alliance, faculty can provide their students with the opportunity to work with other undergraduates worldwide. Students can work with undergraduates from other institutions without the need to travel.

Digital Media in Architecture and Interior Design - Curriculum Framework

The curriculum framework seeks to propose and create a standard for the comprehensive use of computer graphics/digital media in professional programs in architecture and interior design.

Digital Art Curriculum Framework

The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee is supporting the development of a framework college-level digital art curricula.

Curriculum Knowledge Base

The Curriculum Knowledge Base Group has been sponsor to two projects: the Curriculum for Visualization, initially completed by Gitta Domik (Universität Paderborn, Germany) in 2005, and the Curriculum Knowledge Base project. The Curriculum Knowledge Base Working Group held meetings concurrently with the 2005 and 2006 SIGGRAPH Conferences with a mid-year meeting at Sierra Nevada College. The proposed knowledge base for the computer graphics discipline was streamlined, and this revised structure was presented to an Educators' Program forum during the 2006 SIGGRAPH Conference.

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